October 26th, 2010

Commercial real estate, agriculture, and transactional lawyer
Partner, Givens Pursley LLP
Board Member, Sustainable Futures
Today we’re tweeting w/ Idaho RE lawyer, foodie & winie, & Mountain States Super Lawyers “Rising Star in real estate”
- @AKunkel_GPLaw, thank you for joining us on Twitter. Tell us, who is @AKunkel_GPLaw?
Second year partner at a mid-size full service firm, in Boise, Idaho, married to a State Appellate PD, 3 cats, 1 dog.
– - Tell us about your law practice.
Commercial real estate, ag law and biz/corp transactions, lending, with a good measure of liquor licensing thrown in
– - Everything is better with a good measure of liquor licensing…. What type of clients do you represent?
Entrepreneurs, banks, restaurateurs, business folks, farmers, you name it, no one kind of client, peeps who want to do deals
– - That’s a diverse group. What is the single most important legal issue affecting them?
Lack of available financing. Deals there, pple want to them, but finding $ is impossible, multifamily sector is strong tho
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
It may seem expensive but it’s a lot cheaper to do the deal right first than litigate about it later. Sorry litigator tweeps
– - Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
BoDo, mixed use prjct w/ enviro, bond, reg, city development participation, finance elements. gr8 exp 4 then baby lawyer
– - Why do your clients hire you?
being dealmaker instead of dealbreaker. Clients don’t want lawyers killing deals, think outside the box to get things done
– - What’s the most active area of your practice at the current time? Is that typical?
REO properties, smaller one off transactions, business restructuring. No, practice was 80% finance before Gr8 Recession
– - You touched on this briefly: how is the economic crisis affecting your clients? Are you seeing any signs of recovery?
Lack of financing stopped deals. Yes, creative financing helping deals 2 get some traction. Non RE biz and HC pretty strong
– - You’re on the Board of Sustainable Futures (http://bit.ly/bmYue4). How does that experience make you a better lawyer?
Important to realize its not all about making $, but helping people. It humbles you, puts even the bad times in perspective
– - How is real estate law evolving in response to the growing demand for green building and sustainability?
lot of uncertainty b/c of differing standards. Hinders decision making, a great time for RE attys to counsel and advise.
– - How do you describe what you do to people you meet at a cocktail party?
I am a “dirt/business lawyer” with a niche specialty in liquor, liquor licenses that is.
– - How do you generally market your practice? Does social media play a big part in your marketing efforts?
Good wrk, word of mouth, prof org m-ships/r-ships, community involvement. Still getting handle on how 2 best use FB & Twtr
– - How long have you been active on Twitter? Has your Twitter strategy changed over that time?
bit over a yr. Use more actively for info; thought sharing, communication, connection with community, no longer on sidelines
– - Have your Web 2.0 activities led to any additional referrals or client engagements?
some based on website 411, but rly allows me 2 keep in touch w peers leading 2 referrals. Relationships bring clients
– - Indeed. Let’s switch gears here: what is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
Maintaining quality standards in a super fast communication world. Good work still takes time, clients need to understand
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
Billable hour will be exception, more flat fees, lifestyle choice will structure practice instead of $ no hard offices
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
independent wealth, no really, I’d love to go to culinary school, or event planning, using management skills I’ve learned
– - How do you want to be remembered?
Prof: a person who gets things done, trustworthy. Personal: the most positive pessimist ever met, more than my job, sincere
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
Worry about not working. Seriously, watch a lot of sports (Go UK!), golf (badly), volunteer, garden, search out delish food
– - What advice can you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Its just $, don’t get lost in the stress, maintain r/ships, pple survived worse economy. Need to follow own advice at times
– - Finally, what advice do you have for people going to law school today?
Think of JD outside of the trad’l practice. JDs open lots of doors, not just law & Econ will get better, always does
Thank you so much, Anne, for your good advice and a great interview. I enjoyed learning about you and your practice
Thanks. This was good fun.
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