April 12th, 2011

Today we’re tweeting with Seattle small business / start-up / entrepreneur lawyer @mksinghlaw
- @mksinghlaw thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @mksinghlaw?
I’m an entrepreneur stuck in the stereotype of service professionals…
MK Singh is out there just like any other solopreneur trying to grow and learn from others.
– - Tell us about your law practice.
the practice is about relationships. Relationships is about doing more than just legal work…
We offer educational seminars, invite clients to networking events, make introductions, and even suggest ideas for their business.
– - What type of clients do you represent?
Entrepreneurs, creative professionals, small to medium size businesses, and start ups.
– - And what would you say is the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Intellectual Property – do they have it? and how do they protect it?
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
I don’t believe in billing for the initial time we spend getting to know each other so ask questions or email me later.
– - Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
That’s a tough one. I’ve represented a variety of clients from the window cleaner to the next group buying concept…
right now i’m enjoying helping a client with her new yoga studio. I guess they are all significant to me in one way or another.
– - Why do your clients hire you?
I think its because they feel comfortable with me. I think of myself as an entrepreneur so we have something in common right away…
I always make time to get to know the person and their business so that I can refer business or suggest resources…
The best compliment I’ve received: ‘it doesn’t feel like i’m working with an attorney.’
– - What’s the most active area of your practice at the current time? Is that typical?
Business formation. Yes its typical. People are constantly innovating and i’m thrilled to be part of the momentum…
I can’t tell you how many of my clients are microsoft, boeing, amazon, etc. employees by day and entrepreneurs by night.
– - Hmmm…. How are your small business / start-up clients doing in today’s economy? Are things improving in Seattle?
I think they are doing quite well. They are finding a need or a problem and striving to solve it…
I feel like Seattle is a great place to be a start up. There are endless resources and the vibe is just incredible. Just today…
– - How do the legal needs of your small business and start-up clients differ from those of other companies?
Legal needs for startups and small businesses are more focused on governance, contracts and intellectual property…
while companies tend to have more employment, non-compete and policy concerns
Most of the work is done fixed fee or on retainer. It makes it easier to budget when you know what your costs are going to be..
– - It looks like you offer a number of fixed-fee options. Is all of your work done on that basis? Why?
I’m fairly flexible and its very important to me that legal costs don’t get in the way of building your business.
– - How do you describe what you do to people you meet at a cocktail party?
I’m a small business and social media attorney. I work with those who who want to work with a knowledgeable innovative attorney…
offering a new perspective and take on the legal profession.
– - You write a blog, at http://bit.ly/i9LVaf. Who do you write for? Why should they read it?
The blog is for people thinking of starting their own business. I strive to provide practical information in lieu…
of reviews of recent case law. I get suggestions from clients and the community so its tailored for them.
– - You’re also active on Quora. Has that been an effective marketing channel for you? Doesn’t it carry additional risks?
Not as much as I would like. I think quora is bigger in California just based on some of the questions on there…
Quora has done a good job of mitigating the risks by offering lawyers an option to automatically add a legal disclaimer.
– - What specific impact on referrals and/or client engagements, if any, have you realized from Web 2.0 activities?
Quite a bit! Its been extremely useful in building relationships and getting found…
People check more than just your website these days and…
if you want to attract the clients you want to work with then you need to make yourself visible I try to accomplish that via web 2.0
– - Indeed. Let’s switch gears here: What is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
Legal outsourcing. Is it being used? is it effective? why aren’t client costs lower as a result of it? Lots of debate in this area.
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
Probably a lot of outsourcing which will hopefully lead to more innovation in the profession.
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since I was 12 so I haven’t thought about much else…
I think I would work on some of my other ideas: foodtruck, bags, shared space, phone app, or maybe go to bollywood and try my luck!
– - How do you want to be remembered?
As someone you could truly count on and who you knew was doing their best for you. And as an active member of the community!
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
Exploring Seattle. I only moved here 2 years ago from KS so the whole hiking, camping, biking thing is still relatively new for me
– - What advice can you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Network with lawyers who practice in the area you want to be in. Network in communities you would like to work with..
I also recommend seeking out contract work and volunteering in the community and with the local bar association.
– - And our final question for you: What advice do you have for people going to law school today?
As long as you work hard and make the most of the opportunities available you will do great and you won’t have as much debt!
Thank you! I really enjoyed this tweet-erview (we need a better word for this).
Thank YOU very much for tweeting with me today. I enjoyed learning more about you and your practice.