January 18th, 2011

Today we’re tweeting with Ottawa commercial real estate lawyer @Ned_Law (the third Canadian lawyer we’ve featured on 22 Tweets)
- @Ned_Law, thank you for joining us on Twitter. Tell us, who is @Ned_Law?
Husband, father, son, brother, partner at Ogilvy Renault since July, soon Norton Rose & a lover of buildings & a fun guy too!
– - Tell us about your law practice.
Known for expertise in Commercial Leasing & Real Estate I advise on bldg issues & construction w/ emphasis on mining deals
– - What type of clients do you represent?
Lrg corps require sophisticated advice & #CRE isn’t their core biz Mining: handle ppty issues on projects for M&A
– - And what would you say is the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Lgl compliance due diligence securing rts. Clients want protection w/real estate whether buying leasing acquiring mining rts
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
I’m avail understand their biz & give practical advice Don’t be surprised when I comment technical bldg issues I know my biz
– - Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
A fortune 50 company entering in Canada & assisting w/acquisition leasing & construction on several lrg ppties (…)
in dif jurisdictions in Canada. Very sophisticated & I’m part of their team. Not a real estate co but need top #CRE advice
– - Sounds like an interesting deal. Why do your clients hire you?
I’ve worked in RE biz so I know construction, devlpmt & #CRE & how to negotiate the right deal & I’m a fun guy to work w/ 🙂
– - Good qualities to have! What’s the most active area of your practice at the current time? Is that typical?
Mining sector is active right now w/many people looking to Canada cuz of its rich natural resources:less typical v.enjoyable
– - How has the economic crisis affected your clients? Are you beginning to see signs of recovery?
Canada wasn’t hit as hard as US.US clients die retract in Canada & some cash hungry clients sold #CRE & lease it back (…)
(…) a lot more stability now & Americans seem to be hungry for a piece of the pie in Canada-Target just made big move here
– - How is real estate law in Canada evolving in response to the growing demand for green building and sustainability?
Yes green bldg is imp but cost is an issue. I see a slow evolution to green, but not a general buy-in yet cuz of costs
– - Makes sense. What’s the biggest problem facing the CRE industry today? Overcapacity? Insolvencies? What are the solutions?
Here biggest issue-availability of product. No 1 wants to sell & hard to start from scratch (…)
(…) Target made a lrg acquisition here so it could get in the door w/existing assets. Expect to see similar transactions
– - You’ll soon be part of one of the world’s largest law firms. What does the upcoming merger mean for your clients?
We will be able to provide our clients w/seamless legal services around the world w/the same law firm culture we have today
– - How do you describe what you do to people you meet at a cocktail party?
That I advise on building matters, negotiating #CRE deals & often being part of an M&A team & mining work can be fun too!
– - How does your firm’s leadership respond to your active presence on Twitter?
Ogilvy Renault is AMAZING & supportive! Joined July ’10 w/announcements in National media w/my twitter account featured (…)
(…) @granatstein & @crossborderbio 2 Ogilvy Renault lawyers also on twitter. Ogilvy Renault is VERY supportive of us all
– - That’s great. Have your Web 2.0 activities led to any additional referrals or client engagements?
sure has! Inquiries & contacts: that’s what my presence online is all about not here just for work but to share news & info
– - Indeed. Let’s switch gears a bit: what is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
Growing w/your clients as they do more business internationally.Impact of globalization is massive & law firms have to adapt
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
There will be 20 or so global firms in the top level of the legal industry. Norton Rose Group will be a part of this
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
Easiest question to answer, you could ask my kids too they know – an architect, even tho I can’t draw a straight line!
– - How do you want to be remembered?
Compassionate, caring & fun. A good husband, great father & son, and trusted friend, honest & good lawyer, hard-working
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
LOL! See above – husband, father, son, brother, busy guy. Also community volunteer & regular exercise too. Sleep??
– - What advice can you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Always think outside the box. Practice of law is not confined to law firms (…)
(…) Look at gov’t NGO & great in-house jobs all provide very fulfilling legal careers. Don’t limit urself to compensation
– - That brings us to our last question for you: what advice do you have for people going to law school today?
Follow your passion, not money. Be committed to work hard & always strive for excellence: this is a v. rewarding profession
Great advice on both counts. Thanks much for this enjoyable interview today; enjoyed getting to know you and your practice
& thx to you too, fun too – You do a great job & cont’d luck with #22Twts – Ned