
Owner, Rachel Rodgers Law Office
Author, My Lawyer’s Name is Rachel legal blog and Adventures of a Gen Y Solo Practitioner at SPU
Founder, Gen Y J.D.
Today we’re tweeting with Gen Y attorney @RachRodgersEsq, founder of Gen Y J.D. and The Cashflow’s “Entrepreneur of the Week”
- @RachRodgersEsq thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @RachRodgersEsq?
I’m a biracial New Yorker living in Cali, biz lawyer to GenY entrepreneurs, caffeine addict, traveler, dreamer, blogger, etc
– - Tell us about your law practice.
I have a business law practice dedicated to GenY entrepreneurs. Also have an Online Law Office that I am developing @ the mo
– - Exactly what type of clients do you represent?
Most of my clients are twentysomethings w/ businesses/non-profits in a whole range of industries incl tech, film, agro, etc.
– - And what would you say is the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Not sure if its “legal” but ignorance. They get themselves into trouble trying to DIY their legal services. They need access
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
That I’m always available to answer their Q’s & concerns and that my goal is to protect their interests so their biz is successful.
– - Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
Helped a GenY’er buy her 1st biz. Seller was trying to screw her. I made sure she didn’t get screwed & still got the deal done.
– - Congratulations to both of you. Why do your clients hire you?
They hire me to help them make their dreams come tru. From forming a biz to resolving disputes, I’m on their team. Its pretty sweet!
– - What’s the most active area of your practice at the current time? Is that typical?
New trend is Disputes w/ vendors or clients. Mainly b/c initial deal was done without a lawyer or proper contract.
– - Your law firm is designed for Gen Y biz owners and entrepreneurs. How does it differ from traditional firms?
Flat fees, online law office, free consultations, great customer service & me. I’m young like my clients so its not intimidating.
– - And how do the legal needs of Gen Y entrepreneurs differ from that of other clients?
Well, they need instant access to their lawyer & different levels of service to fit their varied stages of business & income
– - Makes sense. Why did you decide on flat fees for your legal work? How is that working out for you and your clients?
I chose flat fees b/c tracking billable hours sucks for me & not being able to control legal costs sucks for clients.
Its a win-win! Everyone is happy!
– - Win-wins are always good…. How do you describe what you do to people you meet at a cocktail party?
Exactly! I help GenY start and manage their own businesses. And I write a blog to inspire them as well.
– - Let’s talk about your blog (http://bit.ly/ehc5Zl) & site for Gen Y lawyers (genyjd.com). What drives that activity?
I love to write, love to help ppl & it lets clients get to know me;
GenYJD came about b/c many Gen Y lawyers were contacting me about how I started my practice.
Also, that link was wrong for my blog. Here’s the right link: http://bit.ly/hFFxZ0. I’m in the process of moving it. Sorry!
– - Useful info on both sites. When did you become active on Twitter? What were your objectives then? Have they changed?
I joined twitter to follow @carolynelefant & @scartierliebel so I could learn how to start my own practice;
Now I share resources & learn a ton from twitterville. Its an awesome little community that I love interacting with everyday
– - What specific impact on referrals and/or client engagements, if any, have you realized from Web 2.0 activities?
Most of my clients find me after reading articles I wrote on sites like @Under30CEO & @the_cashflow. And also my own blog;
I’ve met strategic business partners on Twitter & FB. And its how I got a column on Solo Practice University.
Social media and Web 2.0 activities offer an amazing ROI.
– - Sounds like a successful effort…. What is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
Access to legal services and overpriced law schools.
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
Flat fees only and all law firms offering services online if I have anything to do with it. Less expensive law schools, too.
And hopefully no silly restrictions on lawyers use of social media. 😉
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
I’d find some other way to help people live their best life. Its my calling. 🙂
– - How do you want to be remembered?
As someone who helped others and left the world better than she found it. Oh, and rich. I want to be remembered as rich, too. 😉
– - I wouldn’t mind that either 🙂 What do you do when you’re not working?
I read voraciously, sell things on Craigslist (for fun!), travel, cook & cheer on the Jets in the playoffs (woo hoo!).
– - What advice can you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Be an entrepreneur! Don’t be all “woe is me” Take control of ur life & recognize that you have the ability to make a living.
– - And finally, what advice do you have for people going to law school today?
Ignore the rankings! Get the best grades possible & accept the fact that you may have to start your own practice to be a lawyer.
Solid advice for both groups. Thanks very much for tweeting with me; I enjoyed learning about you / your practice.
The pleasure was all mine! Thanks so much for creating ! Great way for us lawyers to learn and connect! 🙂

Principal Attorney at Rincker Law, PLLC
Illinois Farmgirl living in NYC
SimAngus Cattle Owner
Livestock Judge
Today we’re tweeting with Illinois farmgirl turned New York-based agriculture and environmental lawyer @CariRincker
- @CariRincker thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @CariRincker?
Thanks for inviting me today for the Twitterview.
I’m a midwestern #beef #cattle girl living in #NYC who is passionate about the #agriculture industry and #food security.
– - Tell us about your law practice.
@RinckerLaw serves clients involved in every segment of the #agriculture industry including #food, #fiber, and #biofuels.
– - What type of clients do you represent?
@RinckerLaw has a wide variety of clients including #ag producers, multi-national #food companies, & #fashion designers
– - A broad mix indeed. What is the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Complying with stringent #environmental regulations imposed on the federal, state and local level.
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
I tell each new client of @RinckerLaw that I need open communication to ensure that I get an accurate picture of the facts.
– - Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
I have really enjoyed my work with international #food, #ag, and #biotech companies with various contract and #trade issues.
– - Why do your clients hire you?
My #farm roots helped mold me into a honest, hard-working attorney who truly understands & loves the #ag community. #agchat
– - What’s the most active area of your practice at the current time? Is that typical?
Contract drafting- No, that isn’t typical since #ag producers usually do business with a handshake. See http://tiny.cc/7n952
– - Tell us about your work as an advisor for the Permanent Mission of the Marshall Islands to the United Nations
– I love it! I sat on the floor of the #UN General Assembly and gave voting recommendations to Ambassador Alfred Capelle.
– - That’s cool! Ag law has no doubt changed significantly since you became a lawyer. What’s the next frontier of ag law?
I anticipate that more #ag producers will participate in the #renewable #energy movement (e.g., #wind and #solar #farms).
– - How do you describe what you do to people you meet at a cocktail party?
#Aglaw is an industry based practice area that touches upon nearly every kind of law. http://tiny.cc/d2jqg #agchat #foodchat
– - When did you become active on Twitter? What were your objectives then? Have they changed?
I became active during a #WY blizzard a yr ago. I now realize that it is a completely different than #FB -news & networking.
– - Agreed. Congrats on your one-year blogging anniversary (http://bit.ly/4cP09A)! How has your blog changed in that time?
Thanks! I hope my #agblog is informative for #food & #ag folks. For my second year I hope to implement some video blogging.
– - What specific impact on referrals and/or client engagements, if any, have you realized from Web 2.0 activities?
Twitter isn’t about “who you know”-it’s about “who you want to know.” I have met clients & lawyers who have sent me clients.
– - Well put. How much time do you spend each day developing / enhancing your brand?
I represent my brand 24/7/365 whether I am tweeting from my #iphone4, in the courtroom, or having cocktails with friends.
– - a recipe for success…. Let’s switch gears: What is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
– There are too many lawyers graduating with heavy student loan debt. There are not enough high salaried jobs at #BigLaw.
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
Tough question. I think the legal industry will become more niche-based and client-focused over the next decade.
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
I have an advanced degree in #beef #cattle nutrition so I would probably be teaching animal science or working in extension.
– - How do you want to be remembered?
Someone who spent her life trying to improve the #ag industry so the world could have safe, affordable, & abundant #food.
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
I enjoy judging #livestock shows, playing #volleyball, distance #running, and watching the #Yankees from the cheap seats.
– - What advice can you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Roll up your sleeves and learn to hustle. Pursue your passions and don’t get discouraged because perseverance never fails.
– - And our last question for you: What advice do you have for people going to law school today?
Give it everything you have for three years — it will be over before you know it. Get to know your classmates and profs.
Thanks for that great advice and for the interview. I enjoyed learning more about you and your practice.
I enjoyed the Twitterview! Thanks for the invitation.

Director, Touro Law Center Institute for Business, Law and Technology and Assistant Professor of Law and Technology
Special Counsel, The Lustigman Firm
Today we’re tweeting w/ @profjonathan: tech lawyer, law prof, author, & one of Long Island Business News’ “Top 40 under 40” in 2005
- @profjonathan thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @profjonathan?
@ProfJonathan is the law, technology and general Twitter ID for Jonathan Ezor of Long Island, NY
– - Tell us about your law practice.
1st a corp. atty in 92, Internet bus law since ’94, and am now counsel to The Lustigman Firm (www.lfirm.com) (@AdvLaw )
– - What type of clients do you represent?
Marketers, startups and other cos using the Internet in some way. I do contracts & advisory work, not litigation.
– - What is the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Today, #privacy and user data laws and regs. Constantly shifting requirements and expectations throughout world.
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
That I know the job of a lawyer is to help find the “yes” if possible, not just say “no.” Then I listen and ask questions.
– - Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
I was an outside atty for Juno at & just after its launch as 1st ad-supported free e-mail svc. Cool co., smart people.
– - That does sound cool. Why do your clients hire you?
Because I and my colleagues already get what they do, so we can focus on helping them better manage risks….
I’ve always thought it unfair for clients to have to explain the Internet to their attys while paying for billable hours…
Also, how can an atty give good advice on risks if he/she doesn’t truly understand the environment in which client works?
– - Indeed. What’s the most active area of your practice at the current time? Is that typical?
First is #privacy. We have an efficient, flat-free process to build flexible and understandable policies….
Other main focus is social media in all forms. Twitter sweepstakes, endorsements, affiliate marketing, etc…
Because the Internet is constantly evolving, so does our work, which is what makes it fun.
– - You teach cyberlaw and biz law at Touro Law Center. Does teaching make you a better lawyer? How?
Touro (http://www.tourolaw.edu) is actually my full-time job; I direct our Institute for Business, Law and Technology…
Teaching definitely improves my lawyering, and vice versa. Teaching means I must be ready to answer all kinds of Qs…
…and through my practice, I come across new areas I can share (minus confidential info, of course!) with my students…
It’s really a great synergy. There’s a reason why lawyers who teach get extra CLE hours. It improves their own practice.
– - That certainly makes sense. How do you describe what you do to people you meet at a cocktail party?
“I run a program for Internet business law at Touro, and have been practicing it for more than 15 years.” Straightforward.
– - When then did you become active on Twitter? What were your objectives when you started? Have they changed?
I joined Twitter in the fall of 2008, but really became active in the spring of 2009…
I credit my friends @dcpinkowitz and @jeffpulver (of #140conf fame) with jumpstarting my Twitter use…
My objectives were and are twofold: to make an impact by providing info & value, and to get info and value….
What I didn’t expect, though, is how Twitter can be something like an #IRC channel; an ongoing, interactive community…
Using tools like #Tweetdeck, and hashtag-driven columns, Twitter goes from a firehose to a managed discussion. Very useful.
– - You also tweet as @PalmPreLawyer. Why do you use two accounts? Is there a difference in your content?
With social media, “who you are” is important. Not every one of my followers is interested in the #Palm #Pre and #webos…
Rather than making them sort through my tweets, I started a separate, non-secret Twitter account for those thoughts…
(I have a 3rd account that I just use to enter Twitter-based prize promos, so I don’t bug folks with RTs. Have won too!)
– - Besides Twitter, what other social media / networking tools do you regularly use?
I use LinkedIn, both to make connections and to build a network as a resource for my students…
I do use Facebook, but largely for personal stuff. It’s where people my age rediscover their high school/college friends.
– - What specific impact on referrals and/or client engagements have you realized from Web 2.0 activities?
No direct client gets (yet), but many new relationships, speaking engagements, writing gigs, etc….
I’ve also been able to point out resources and opportunities to clients and colleagues, through my own exploration.
– - How much time do you spend each day developing / enhancing your brand?
By spending time on Twitter. There’s a direct correlation: the more I tweet (relevantly), the more followers I gain…
Have to balance, though. #Twitter can be a *huge* time sink. Way too interesting sometimes.
How much time depends on the day. “Too much” is probably the most accurate answer, though! 🙂
– - I hear ya…. Let’s switch gears: what is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
Demonstrating its value. Between online legal “services” and outsourcing, clients don’t get why they need lawyers…
Of course, inflexible hourly billing doesn’t help! But especially for transactional (non-litigator) attys, it’s difficult…
We need to show why our judgment, which can’t be automated or ‘Zoomed, is valuable….
We also need to constantly reevaluate whether and how we can add value to what our clients do, whatever that may be.
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
More automated but not automatic. Lawyers will find new ways to provide service, or leave the profession…
I suspect BigLaw salaries will come down, though law will still be potentially lucrative…Professionalism will be key.
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
What I’d *like* to be is a science fiction writer, but I don’t really have those stories to tell, unfortunately….
More likely, I would do the other things I do a little of now: write non-fiction (biz/tech & other subjects) and work in IT.
(Teaching at a law school, though, is one of the best jobs out there.)
– - How do you want to be remembered?
As someone who informed, positively.
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
I have 3 kids (ages 8 to 15), all bright, good kids with some special needs. That keeps me busy *grin*….
Like many other geeks (a title I wear proudly), I read SF and comics. But with technology, “not working” is misleading….
There’s a reason I have a t-shirt (courtesy of @140tees) that says, “At Work If Awake.” Laptops & smartphones do that.
– - What advice can you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Just sending resumes is like buying a lottery ticket. Be creative, use social media to create and use connections….
Having spent some time unemployed myself, I know how scary it can be. I actually did a talk for students on this…
It’s probably relevant for any lawyer (or other person) looking for jobs. It’s a podcast available at http://j.mp/caTjgZ
– - And our last question for you: What advice do you have for people going to law school today?
Law school is one of the best overall educations for Americans, but it’s darned expensive…
If you can afford to spend the money, go. If you’re borrowing (as I did), make sure you *really* want to be a lawyer…
If you’re just going to law school to make money, there are better, cheaper and more effective ways to do that….
If you do go, make sure you take advantage of every opportunity to make connections and distinguish yourself.
That’s great advice. Thanks very much for tweeting with me today; I enjoyed getting to know you.
Likewise. It was much fun, and I look forward to future interviews! Be well.

Today we’re tweeting w/NYC immigration lawyer @JeanTien, who strives to develop lasting partnerships with her clients
- @JeanTien, thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @JeanTien?
Thx 4 hvg me. I am a fun-loving Wife, Daughter, and idealistic Lawyer w/high hopes of making a difference in the world.
– - Tell us about your law practice.
I hv a NYC-based practice that focuses on immigration law. I also do real estate transaxns & help businesses w/their legal needs.
– - What type of clients do you represent?
Both individuals & businesses. I have clients nationwide and outside of the US too. It’s great!
– - What is the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Eligibility 2 become perm. res & US Citizens. W/o proper identification…
immigrants can’t get jobs, health care, or any other benefits that we enjoy…
and it’s impt that they hv access to the same benefits.
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
That I’m their biggest advocate & they can trust me with their case.
– - I’m sure they appreciate hearing that. Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
I worked on an asylum case, where I tried 2 protect the wife from being deported back 2 China where she wld be prosecuted…
4 violating the 1-Child policy & separated from her Husband & baby daughter here in the US. It’s significant bc families shld…
be allowed to stay together in an environment where they can live w/o fear.
– - Wow. That’s powerful stuff. Hope it turned out well. Why do your clients hire you?
They trust me & kno I am here 2 protect their best interest. I help them thru the immigration process …
which is a very personal experience & can take a major toll on their emotions/lives.
– - What’s the most active area of your immigration practice at the current time? Is that typical?
Currently, it’s family-based petitions, which I heart bc I’m helping families stay 2gether. Yes, it’s typical 4 my practice.
– - You started your career at Goldman Sachs. What led you to leave that culture and set up an immigration law firm?
I felt unfulfilled @ GS & wanted 2 do sthg more rewarding. Luckily, I was downsized & took the opp. 2 follow my dream…
of becoming an entrepreneur & helping others thru my immigration practice. See, I told u I was idealistic! LOL.
– - What’s the status of immigration law reform? Is it still perceived to be a priority for the President / American people?
Unfortunately, it’s currently on hold. Obama’s admin has communicated 2 the public that it’s a priority…
but so far, it feels like a big “tease”. More needs 2 be done, esp. w/current economics…
Some still think it’ll happen this yr but I doubt it.
– - How do you market your practice?
Networking & Web 2.0 activities. I’m also planning on hosting a seminar soon, so stay tuned for that!
– - You recently started a Facebook fan page for your firm (http://bit.ly/tj3GO). Would you recommend others do the same? Why?
Good ques. My fan pg is pretty new (about 2 wks) so it’s hard 2 say if I wld rec others 2 create 1…
So far, it has been helpful w/informing ppl I kno of my practice.
– - Sounds like recommendation to me… What are the strategic objectives driving your Web 2.0 activity? Are you meeting them?
My obj. this yr is 2 create permanent relationships & brand recognition. Oh & 2 generate revenue! LOL. So far, so good.
– - Luck w/both! What specific impact on referrals and/or client engagements have you realized from Web 2.0 activities so far?
Thanks! So far, I’ve landed an engagement & a number of serious inquiries from these activities, esp. from Avvo.
– - Congrats – you’re moving in the right direction. How much time do you spend each day developing / enhancing your brand?
Omgosh. A significant pt of my day. I am my brand, so I am developing/enhancing it by meeting w/other attys…
attending CLEs, volunteering, & marketing. activities
– - Let’s switch gears: what is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
Re: immigration, our policies need chg. Fear cannot dictate policies & excuse the mistreatment of illegal immigrants in this ctry.
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
I think lawyers will catch up & adopt (maybe embrace?) technological advancements, resulting in a few less trips to court.
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
Hmm…philanthropist & bakery owner. I wld LOVE 2 open my own cupcake shop & animal rescue shelter. What a mix, right? 😀
– - That makes THREE 22 Tweets interviewees who’d like to be bakers… Hmmm. How do you want to be remembered?
LOL. I guess we all hv a creative side yearning to escape. 🙂 …
I’d like 2 B remembered for my sincerity and passion, especially to help those who can’t help themselves.
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
I am currently immersed in house renovations. Other than that, I spend time w/family & friends & watch lots of reality tv!
O & go see @britneyspears in concert! 😀
– - There’s gotta be a story there! What advice can you give lawyers currently under- / unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Take this opportunity to explore other careers & interests. Don’t be afraid of change. Also, make sure to network!
– - And our last question of this twitterview: What advice do you have for people going to law school today?
1. Ur GPA doesn’t define u; 2. BIGLAW is not 4 everyone & that’s ok; 3.trust ur instincts – don’t B afraid 2 set ur own path
That’s valuable advice. Thank you so much for answering our questions and making this a great twitterview!
This was fun! Thank u so much for the opportunity to share my story & thanks to everyone who listened! 😀
Filed under Twitterviews | Tags: Immigration, New York City, Real Estate | Comments Off on @jeantien