August 27th, 2009

M&A and Private Equity Lawyer
Author of Juvan’s Health Law and Private Equity Report
Associate, Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff, LLP
Today we’re tweeting with M&A and private equity lawyer @JayneJuvan, one of Cleveland’s “Top 25 under 35” movers and shakers
- @JayneJuvan, thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @JayneJuvan?
Pleasure’s mine. I’m a tireless advocate, mentor, student of philosophy and economics and martial arts black belt
– - Tell us about your law practice.
Deals, deals, deals! A 24/7 corporate lawyer, focusing on M&A, corporate governance and regulatory compliance
– - What type of clients do you represent?
Market leaders changing the future of health care and other industries…
Public and private companies, many in health care, and health care focused private equity funds.
– - And what is the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Reactionary reforms from the economic crisis and potential health care crisis, causing uncertainty and nervousness…
Challenging times we’re in, no doubt.
– - No doubt. What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
I shift the focus to my clients – it’s all about them, not me…
Which means I question & listen. Tell me about your products & service lines, your mission, & what keeps you up at night.
– - That’s a very sensible approach. Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
I’m proud to say I recently advised a client on a $300M tender offer. We worked day and night on that deal. 😉
– - Congratulations on that! Why do your clients hire you?
Thanks. If I had to say it in a single word, it comes down to “trust”…
Being a lawyer isn’t enough-I also seize upon the chance to help them grow their businesses and show them new opportunities.
– - Am sure that is extremely valuable to them. What’s the most active area of your practice right now? Is that typical?
Not typical, there’s been an uptick in gov’t enforcement actions and I’ve advised on corp compliance & reg investigations.
– - What do the proposed Health Care reforms mean to your health care clients?
Many PE funds have adopted a “wait and see” approach-they’ll delay acquisitions until there’s more certainty on HC reform.
– - Has the econ crisis affected your clients’ ability to do business? R they changing the way they structure transactions?
Impacts deal flow & timing. We’re spending significant time in due diligence & utilizing creative structuring techniques.
– - I imagine the impact is far greater than 140 characters could cover…. How do you market your practice?
You’re not kidding! Most referrals are performance based – ibanker is impressed w/our work & invites us to the next deal.
– - What are the strategic objectives driving your Web 2.0 activity? Are you meeting them?
Developing longlasting, authentic relatnshps. Results r better-than-expected – I’ve made many new personal & prof’l friends.
– - How is your active Web 2.0 profile perceived by your firm’s leadership? Is it difficult to convince them of its value?
I’d characterize our leadership as avant-garde and innovative, naturally. They’ve welcomed my efforts from the onset.
– - That’s great for everyone. Why did you decide to become active on Twitter? Are you achieving those objectives?
These new technologies can advance our practice’s growth. I embrace them & all they have to offer & am meeting my goals!
– - How much time do you spend each day developing / enhancing your brand?
We must remember that our reputation as lawyers is built day by day, decision by decision, brick by brick…
Which means that all day, everyday is spent on brand development – every decision, every judgment call matters.
– - Absolutely. What is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
IMHO, this ? is at the core – how do we train & mentor the next generation of lawyers & at same time remain fee sensitive?
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
I’m hopeful that firms will recognize that our future is dependent upon training the next generation of lawyers…
I believe strongly this is our duty, ought to be one of our highest priorities, and ultimately will determine our legacy…
And I trust that the profession will be far better off tomorrow with the efforts of these rising stars
– - That sounds like a great future. What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
I’m passionate about practice of law, but an ibanker, trader on Wall Street or economist? Or, future politico? No comment!
– - I look forward to saying “I knew her when….” How do you want to be remembered?
LOL. In a few simple words, I hope I’m remembered as: Bold. Authentic. Smart. Tough. Purpose Driven. Principle Centered.
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
Always working, but on occasion move from negotiations to the sparring ring.TKD olympic style fghtng & medalist @ AAU nat’ls
– - Wow. We’ll cover that in the next iview! What advice do you have for lawyers under- / unemployed due to the econ crisis?
As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor (saved by Herceptin @genentech), I’ve had my share of challenges…
Our response to crises ultimately defines us and, if we choose, can stimulate us to take action to enhance lives of others…
Be resilient. Look closely for the opps that lie beneath the wreckage. Trust that they’re there. Find them, then give back
– - And our last question for you: what advice do you have for people going to law school today?
Dare to dream. Always. “The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours.” Ayn Rand
Thank you, Jayne for this great twitterview and especially for your beautiful and eloquent advice!
And thank you so much for having me today, Lance! RT @22twts Thx Jayne for this twitterview & eloquent advice!
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