December 29th, 2009

Crisis Trial Lawyer
The Law Offices of Anthony J. Colleluori & Associates, PLLC
Author of that lawyer dude and Long Island (Criminal) Trial Law blogs
Today we’re tweeting w/crisis trial lawyer @ThatLawyerDude, who helps people put their lives back together after others abandon them
- @ThatLawyerDude, thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @ThatLawyerDude?
I’m Tony Colleluori & I am a father of two, married 24 years & enjoy practicing law.
– - Tell us about your law practice.
I take the cases other lawyers throw their hands up at. We want the cases no one else can handle. The“Bet the Farm”work.
– - Wow. I’m sure you have a lot of stories…. What type of clients do you represent?
I work w/ anyone who has been touched by a criminal charge or act. from Class Actions 2 White Collar Crime 2 Murder etc.
– - and what’s the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Finding Quality representation at a price they can afford, & getting fair treatment in Court during the Internet Age
– - Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
I took on an innocent kid whose 1st attorney wanted him 2 plead guilty & serve 8 years. We investigated & won his case.
I also just won one of the biggest verdicts in Prison Civil Rights cases 4 a paraplegic who was mistreated in jail
We proved that the Jail was “deliberately indifferent to his needs & left him to rot. No help, no proper medical care
– - I’d read about the last case. Both are fantastic results. Must be terribly satisfying. Why do your clients hire you?
B/c I care about them. Not as a case, but as humans, w/ hopes & dreams. I don’t judge them. I know I represent good people.
Most of my clients have experienced first hand the wrath of the law. It’s been used to defeat them. I even the field 4 them
– - That’s great. What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
I care about them & their family, I’ll B there 4 them 24/7/365, & that I’ll do everything I can legally do to help them
I also tell them not to worry anymore Until I do, and I never worry EVER 😉
We look after the small things, ie new DWI client, needs a ride to get to court or office? We have a driver on staff
a kid needs a 12 step program but is afraid to go alone? I go with them.
– - You devote a lot of your time to pro bono work. How do you decide what work to take on?
I take pro & lo bono from NYS & EDNY Assigned Counsel panels, The EDNY pro bono panel & selected work from clergy.
If it interest me & I think it will change the life of the client or the state of the world, I’m usually in.
I’m a sucker when it comes to Roman Catholic Nuns and Judges. If they ask I usually say yes
– - Tell us about the Outstanding Service Award from the Nat’l Assoc of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Why were you selected?
I co-authored an amicus brief w/ John Marshall, that caused the USDOJ to change the way it prosecuted Marijuana cases.
– - What led you to become a criminal defense lawyer? Have you always had the same passion for it (yes, it shows!)?
Thank you. I’ve always had a strong libertarian streak. As a historian, I understand Government seeks to expand power…
I wanted to take on the task to protect our Bill of Rights from Government’s power grab. As a kid I was fascinated by …
Perry Mason, & real cases: The Rosenberg case, the Crimmins case, & by F. Lee Bailey’s book the Defense Never Rests
– - Your clients are very lucky that you followed that passion…. How do you market your practice?
I write, teach, I network w/ others. I stay active in bar assoc. & in my community, I use Avvo.com & other Internet tools.
– - You have 3 blogs (http://bit.ly/cztgp http://bit.ly/TcIl6 & http://bit.ly/tHjG6) How are they different? Why three?
That Lawyer Dude is my main blog, it’s about the way law & life intersect. Long Island (Criminal) Trial Law, …
is a Trial Tech. teaching blog. It portrays my wider view of “Criminal Law” discipline. It defines a crisis lawyer’s job
The Positive Review is going 2B a restaurant review & only features places I like. If I don’t like it, I don’t eat there.
– - Why did you decide to become active on Twitter? Has it been a worthwhile endeavor?
I took a while 2 “get it” but once I did, I saw an opportunity 2 interact w/ my “crowd” & learn from others. Twitter rocks!
I find Twitter helps me get my message out and exposes me to other’s messages. I think it is better than an RSS feed.
– - Besides Twitter and your blogs, do you use other Web 2.0 tools? Which ones?
I have a website through “Getlegal.com” and I love Avvo.com. I think Facebook, Linkedin & Solosez are important too.
– - What specific impact on referrals and/or client engagements — if any — have your Web 2.0 activities provided?
I get about 50% of my new work from Web 2.0 activities. It is a great way for people to learn about me. …
A web referred client is as likely to retain me as a lawyer referred client & usually is more savvy about my work & my fees…
they come ready to retain. I waste a lot less time and get a much better return on the time I spend meeting w/them.
I take it seriously. The web has been good to me It helped me to reach people I didn’t have the resources to reach
– - How much time do you spend each day developing / enhancing your brand?
every waking minute I am enhancing my brand: at the gym, at Mass, playing poker. I love what I do, it’s part of my fabric.
– - Indeed. Let’s switch gears now. What is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
Keeping bright people in the profession & finding ways 2 stop them from burning out. We need 2 focus them on bar activities
We need Courts 2 be run by judges & not admins who put form B/4 substance, we need 2 worry @ quality of life. life’s2 short
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
We’ll B using the web as a mainstay of our life, but successful lawyers will be those that best mesh hi tech w/ hi touch
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
I have no idea! I’m a pretty good singer, I’d have followed that. Law is more fun. There is always Tournament Poker 🙂
I’ve only ever wanted to be a lawyer. I used to go to court and watch cases being tried when I was 10 yrs old
My poor mom must of thought she was raising a sociopath LOL!
– - Wow. I think I just watched the Flinstones at 10…. How do you want to be remembered?
As a loving Husband, a good Father, a worthy opponent & a strong advocate for Civil Rights, Liberty and Personal Freedom.
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
I raise awareness & $$$ 4 Scleroderma Foundation, Play poker & hang out w/ my best girl & best friend for 25 years.
I love going to new Restaurants and old favorites. I like to sing and I love being w/ my two sons. They’re interesting men
– - And our last question for you: what advice do you have for people going to law school today?
First thank you for having me Lance.
Go ‘cause U R called 2 the law. Don’t go 2 get rich, or 2 help others, Go ‘cause it’s vital 2 U! If U do, the rest will come
That’s great advice, and this was a fantastic twitterview. Thanks very much for doing it, and keep up the great work
Thanks again. You too and happy New Year to all. I hope it is healthy and prosperous.
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