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May 31st, 2011

Today we’re tweeting Boston IP lawyer, passionate technologist, and founder of her own law firm @HyperionLaw
- @HyperionLaw, thank you for joining us on Twitter. Tell us, who is @HyperionLaw?
I’m a technologist, early adopter/geek, patent attorney. I passionately do outstanding work for clients I really believe in.
– - Tell us about your law practice.
It’s a radically different law firm focused on translating complex patent-ese into strategic business advice for tech companies
– - What type of clients do you represent?
I love working w/ emerging tech companies – any company with software tech, eg 2 computers & internet cloud, is right up my alley!
– - And what would you say is the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Understanding case law’s impact on software #patents & how to draft claims satisfying legal reqs while remaining useful to business
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
Patents are a critical tool – or tragic waste of $. Let’s discuss business goals to understand whether you benefit from filing one!
– - Interesting. Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
A diabetes co had new glucose tools for useful, fun data interaction; it was satisfying to help them go from hard- to soft-ware IP!
– - I’ll bet it was. Why do your clients hire you?
An experienced, personable attorney & unabashed geek w/ solid tech background, I keep us focused on business benefits of IP
– - What’s the most active area of your practice at the current time? Is that typical?
Software #patents for tech companies with some friends-and-family or angel funding. It’s what I love so I hope it remains typical 🙂
– - You spent 5 years in a big firm before starting your own. What led you that decision? Are you meeting your objectives?
Normal fee & firm structures reduce/kill interaction between experienced attys & clients. I saw a different way. Totally successful!
– - That’s great! How are your small / med-sized tech company clients doing in this economy? Is the crisis over for them?
If you’re cash-constrained, I suspect there’s always a crisis! But these clients are adaptive and smart; they create ways to survive
– - What’s the next big frontier of IP law? Who will be most affected by it?
The biggest battle is always over growing fees. A new biz trying to preserve IP options will find it harder to afford key advice.
– - How do you describe what you do to people you meet at a cocktail party?
“I help companies protect their world-changing technology via strategic use of IP. And run a radically different law firm to do so.”
– - Nice. When did you become active on Twitter? What were your objectives then? Have they changed?
2008. I wanted to continue developing relationships w/ favorite clients. Now I also want to get to know others working w/ tech cos
– - You blog at Hyperion Law ( Who do your write it for? Why should they read it?
Anyone who has to deal w/ US software #patents: CxO, GCs, entrepreneurs. I provide useful & jargon-free info, which is hard to find!
– - Have your Web 2.0 activities led to any additional referrals or client engagements?
Absolutely. One of my clients hired me after reading my posts on Quora; others decide to hire me when they read the blog.
– - Congrats on that. Let’s change gears now: what is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
We *could* tell clients we see their biz realities and will revamp the biz of law to forge even closer ties with them. But will we?
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
Cynically, I suspect it will look much the same as it does today! Some going w/ tried & true; some working creatively w/clients.
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
An astrophysicist or an anthropologist. Or maybe an anthropologist who studies humanity’s obsession with the universe 😉
– - 🙂 How do you want to be remembered?
As someone who lived and loved passionately and joyfully, gave back to the community, and was fun to be around.
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
I read fascinating non-fiction, check out new restaurants with my friends, travel the world with my husband, and spoil our two cats.
– - What advice can you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Take the time to do some serious soul searching about what you really want and gather info on how to get it. Don’t despair!
– - And our final question for you: what advice do you have for people going to law school today?
Talk to many lawyers, get as much work experience in a law practice as you possibly can; work hard to understand the path you’re on
Great advice. Thank you very much for today’s interview. I enjoyed getting to know you and your practice
Thank you! I really enjoyed the discussion!
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