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@vbalasubramani 2.0
April 22nd, 2010

Founder, Focal PLLC
Author of Spam Notes
Today we’re tweeting with @vbalasubramani, Seattle-based internet-tech lawyer and author of the blog “Spam Notes”
One of our first twitterviewees one year ago, @vbalasubramani has returned to 22 Tweets to help us celebrate our first anniversary
- @vbalasubramani thank you for joining us again on Twitter. For those who weren’t here a year ago: who is @vbalasubramani?
thanks Lance, and good to be back! I’m a Seattle-based lawyer, and blogger @ & @
– - What does your practice look like today? Is it different from last year? How?
it’s similar – covers the range of online issues. I did start a firm (w/a partner)..this has been great
– - Congrats! How have internet / spam laws changed over the past year? What does that mean for your clients?
online rules are fluid .. privacy is a looming issue, as it was last year; platforms (FB) are becoming more relevant
– - What’s the most active area of your practice at the current time? Is that (the new) typical?
online disputes have been particularly active, content scraping, cybersquatting/domain name issues, the usual
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
litigation is uncertain, time consuming, and often unfair – always explore a business solution
– - That clearly hasn’t changed over the past year…. Why do your clients hire you?
because I am a prolific twit? kidding .. quality work, efficient, responsive, creative & interested in the space?
– - How do you describe your work to someone you meet at a cocktail party?
tough ? (not many cocktail parties in Seattle that I go to) I represent internet/media companies in disputes & advise them on risk
– - You need to get out more…. How has the economic crisis affected your clients?
ha! most are doing ok .. everyone is trying to save $$, but this has resulted in more work coming my way
– - How have your marketing objectives evolved over the past year? What’s driving that evolution?
I enjoy blogging, but I’d like to create more client-friendly content..the social web has helped me see how this may be useful
– - What do you consider to be the biggest change in the legal profession over the past 12 months?
law firms finally realized they don’t hold all the cards vis a vis clients..also a basic change in the young lawyer’s place
– - Indeed. If you had last year to do all over again, what would you do differently? Why?
turn away more work and be much more selective – the intangible (non-monetary) effects of the work you do are significant!
– - Interesting. You recently blogged about making a “clean break” from your blog to start a new 1. How did that end up?
I’ve been blogging at Prof. Goldman’s blog, which rocks (hope to continue that) .. I may launch another blog as well
– - You touched on this earlier: how has your social media and social networking activity evolved over the past year?
lots more Twitter! I’m pretty unstructured about SM, I’ve tried to regulate it, but that’s not my personality
– - Have you seen any impact on referrals and/or client engagements coming from your Web 2.0 activities?
no direct retention or referrals, but that’s not my goal – I do it for fun, to stay informed, and chat with folks
– - Last year “a loss of confidence in the system” = most sig issue facing legal profession. Still true? Why or why not?
fair statement, the client/firm/associate/billable hour dynamic has (unresolved) issues..the basic structure needs tweaking
– - What’s the next big frontier of technology for the legal profession?
telepresence? – inexpensive technology that ‘simulates’ face-to-face?..minority report?..there’s always the iPad 🙂
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
for starters I may be retired 😉 .. types of matters that typically go to a lawyer may narrow, lots of private resolution
– - Retire? Sounds like a set-up for the next question…. What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
own a restaurant, or a B&B, maybe have a cooking show or magazine (better yet a blog – I hear this pays!)?
– - How do you want to be remembered?
as a contributor and a positive force
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
Travel, yoga, enjoy family, food and cooking
– - What advice can you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
opportunities always exist in downturn..get experience..blogging is a great way to immerse yourself & demonstrate commitment
– - And our last question for you: what advice do you have for people going to law school today
be wary of echo chamber advice, focus on the fundamentals (esp. writing), enjoy life outside of the law – thanks Lance!
Great advice. Thanks again for coming back for a follow-up twitterview. It was a pleasure to tweet with you again.
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