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March 30th, 2010

Bio IP and IT Lawyer
Privacy and Information Online safety/net neutrality and true Internet Advocate
Today we’re tweeting with IP and IT attorney, blawger & internet advocate @clarinette02, a French lawyer who just completed a UK LLM
Those of you who regularly follow our twitterviews will notice a 22 Tweets first in this twitterview…. Hope you enjoy it!
- @clarinette02 thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @clarinette02?
Tk You:) clarinette02 is my online representative, mon compagnon de route since the early age of my digital life.
– - You practiced in France, then did an LLM in the UK. What type of practice do you want to build now?
I’d like to practice on the area of internet related issues, legal challenges from e-commerce to e-reputation, privacy, piracy…
– - Who will be your typical client?
I guess, corporations, companies or individuals facing issues and needing advice in this fast-moving, increasingly important area.
– - Et quel sera le principal problème juridique de ce client typique? [And what will be the principal legal problem of this typical client?]
En principe, nul n’est cense ignorer la loi, pourtant sur le net, quelle loi doit-on appliquer? Pas facile pour les non-praticiens. [Ignorance of the law is no excuse however you need to find out which law you should apply online.]
– - Why should those clients hire you? What specifically will you bring to the table to help them with their legal issues?
My hands on experience of the net, my international profile+ perspicacity & tenacity, innovative ideas, enthusiasm, focus & drive
– - You have law degrees from 2 countries. Is this bi-cultural approach common in Europe? Will it ever become necessary?
Not enough, it should become compulsory for higher level of practice, Internet has no frontier as many other areas of todays life.
– - Et quelles sont les différences principales entre le système juridique en France et celui de l’Angleterre? [What are the main differences between the legal system in France and in England?]
hmmm…one is pragmatic and business oriented the other philosophical. Guess who’s who.
– - Too easy…. Your interests span copyright, privacy & child safety. What’s the common link? Aren’t they in conflict?
Yes, there is a tension. A need for a balance of rights to reach within the hierarchy of norms in a democratic society: Justice.
– - How will our concept of “online privacy” be different at the end of the current decade?
I guess it will evolute from privacy stricto-sensus towards a right of control over personal data and more consent, opt-in > opt-out
– - Tell us about your work on online child safety projects. What do you do? How is it making the internet a safer place?
C’est quelque chose qui me tient beaucoup a coeur. [It’s something that is very important to me.] I’m hoping 2educate parents 2understand the online world, 2accompany their kids
– - Comment decririez-vous votre travail lors d’un premier contact? [How do you describe your work when you meet someone for the first time?]
Diagnosis of issues, proposer of a framework 2better understand Dlegal implications of what they R doing and which options to go for
– - You blog at Clarinette’s Blog ( What are your blogging objectives? Are you meeting them?
I started the blog to escape the dictatorship of 140 characters to be able to exchange ideas, it has become a new portal 4me.
– - Besides Twitter and your blog, what other Web 2.0 tools do you use to market your practice?
My linkedin profile is there to connect wit PPL IRL – my gateway en sorte – I also participate to many online discussions
– - What specific benefits, if any, have you realized from your Web 2.0 activities?
Oh, a gr8 source of info. helping to highlight issues, especially technical, many great contacts, getting 2know who’s doing what…
– - Combien de temps passez-vous par jour à créer et à renforcer votre “marque”? [How much time do you spend every day creating and enhancing your brand?]
C’est tres variable, difficile a dire. Je suis une ‘quick’ Twitter et j’aime faire plusieurs choses a la fois! [It varies, it’s hard to say. I’m a quick Twitterer and I like to do many things simultaneously!]
– - Let’s switch gears. What is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
Between others, I’d say, being able to adapt, regulation pacing the speed of our fast evolving environment.
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
I presume we R going towards more globalization, privacy should become a crucial part of legal issues as data fuels the net.
– - Que fériez-vous si vous n’étiez pas avocate? |What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?]
le droit, rien que le droit, toujours le droit. Peut-etre Lobbyist, je trouve le debat copyright/individual right tres interessant. [The law, nothing but the law, always the law. Maybe Lobbyist, I find the copyright / individual right debate very interesting.]
– - How do you want to be remembered?
I’d say as someone with good ideas who was able to bring innovation and who eventually changed things to better
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
Tweeting LOL I also like 2spend time with my family, I love music, practice sport, travel 2discover new cultures. I love learning
– - What advice can you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Go and look at new areas of law, adapt yourself to the new world, network and widen your audience by using web tools
here is one example of opportunites: online RT @rcalo: LinkedIn London is hiring. #jobs
– - et notre dernière question pour vous: quels conseils auriez-vous pour ceux qui font l’école de droit actuellement? [and our last question for you: what advice do you have for people going to law school today?]
Learn languages, master the new technologies, go abroad, if you can, specialize on privacy or find your own niche
Good advice. Thanks for tweeting with me today in 22 Tweets’ first bilingual Twitterview. I enjoyed it very much.
Thanks for inviting me. It was a gr8 experience. I always love mixing languages, congratulations for your good French.
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