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September 15th, 2009

Philadelphia Criminal Defense Attorney
Founder, The Law Offices of Charles Thomas
Author of Persuasive Authority and Philly LGBT Lawyer
Today we’re tweeting with Philadelphia criminal defense attorney and (new) solo practice evangelist @CharlesThomas
- @CharlesThomas, thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @CharlesThomas?
Thanks for having me! I’m a true solo doing MOSTLY crim def. I enjoy cooking and play some music too.
– - Looks interesting; I’ll have to watch it later. Tell us about your law practice.
I was trained as a criminal def atty- that’s my bread & butter. I’m trying to add civil and LGBT rights to my practice.
– - What type of clients do you represent?
My crim clients come from all walks of life. LOTS of people get a DUI or a shoplifiting or into a fight. Rich & educated too
– - What is the single most important legal issue affecting your clients?
The inequality in the system- I have a 5 county practice. Bucks Co would jail someone where Philly would just give a fine.
– - Wow. What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
That I have a firm no-BS rule. If I say “this is the best I can do for you” I mean it. Can’t always win on this side.
– - Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
When I was a PD, I was set precedent about the the 1st Amend rights of parolees. (PDF)
– - Significant representation indeed! Congrats on that. Why do your clients hire you?
Because I am not judgmental. Most of them are embarrassed & afraid- I get that, but I also let them know there are ways out.
– - I imagine that’s a huge comfort for them. What’s the most active area of your practice right now? Is that typical?
There’s no such thing. Each phone call is different. One guy gets busted with weed- someone else punched a guy.
– - You started your career as a public defender. What led you to strike out on your own?
I was there almost 5 years. That seems to be the point when people either a PD for life or break away. I wanted a change.
– - How is your practice different now that you’ve got your own practice? What does it mean to your clients?
For one thing, I have fewer felony cases. Ironically, I used to work harder on the CASES back then. Now I work on the biz.
– - That’s very interesting. How do you market your practice?
Entirely through social media. All my referrals come through twitter or facebook.
– - Why did you decide to become active on Twitter? Are you achieving those objectives?
I was an early adopter for personal purposes. I found more lawyers and made deeper connex, I saw the pro possibilities.
– - You blog at Persuasive Auth ( & Philly LGBT Lawyer ( Who do you write for?
Myself. As a Bi man I have a stake in LGBT rights. Pther blog is about legal writing, which is so awful. If clients result, bonus.
– - You said all your work comes from SocMed. How do you manage that? What do you do to keep up the flow?
I sub to @davidmatson ’s lead generation service where his 800 number fwds to my cell. Otherwise, it’s referrals from attys.
– - How much time do you spend each day developing / enhancing your brand?
Branding is a new thing to me. My website is a good start, emphasizing my caring and empathetic approach.
– - Yes, it is. Let’s switch gears: what is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
That clients have FINALLY figured out what a ripoff biglaw is. The billable hour rewards incompetence & needless research.
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
Biglaw will shrink. Boutiques will grow. And the prison pop will increase. In 1960 PA had 7800 inmates- it’s now 51K.
– - That’s a stunning statistic. What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
I’d be a standup comedian or an actor. I’m always tempted to move to LA and start auditioning. In drag, like Swayze in To Wong Foo.
– - Maybe that can be your next YouTube video…. How do you want to be remembered?
A DA once called me the King of the BS Defense, meaning I would try anything to help the client. That’s how I want to be remembered.
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
I play my guitar and write songs. I am also writing a comic book about an insurance adjuster who saves the world.
– - What advice would you pass along to lawyers currently under- or unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Now is the time. Find a niche, and seize on it. There is a guy in DC who ONLY does milk regs- THAT’S a niche.
– - Is he on Twitter? Our last question for you: what advice do you have for people going to law school today?
My advice: right now, don’t. New grads will be competing with laidoff assos. The readjusted salaries will not cover loans.
Thank you very much for your thoughtful responses today. This was a great twitterview.
Thank you for having me! I hope to have many conversations with people in the days to come.
test Filed under Twitterviews | Tags: Blawger, Criminal Defense, Philadelphia | Comments Off on @charlesthomas