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August 26th, 2009

Today we’re tweeting w/NYC immigration lawyer @JeanTien, who strives to develop lasting partnerships with her clients
- @JeanTien, thank you for joining us today on Twitter. Tell us: who is @JeanTien?
Thx 4 hvg me. I am a fun-loving Wife, Daughter, and idealistic Lawyer w/high hopes of making a difference in the world.
– - Tell us about your law practice.
I hv a NYC-based practice that focuses on immigration law. I also do real estate transaxns & help businesses w/their legal needs.
– - What type of clients do you represent?
Both individuals & businesses. I have clients nationwide and outside of the US too. It’s great!
– - What is the single most important legal issue affecting those clients?
Eligibility 2 become perm. res & US Citizens. W/o proper identification…
immigrants can’t get jobs, health care, or any other benefits that we enjoy…
and it’s impt that they hv access to the same benefits.
– - What do you tell every new client before you start working for them?
That I’m their biggest advocate & they can trust me with their case.
– - I’m sure they appreciate hearing that. Tell us about one of the more significant client representations you’ve had.
I worked on an asylum case, where I tried 2 protect the wife from being deported back 2 China where she wld be prosecuted…
4 violating the 1-Child policy & separated from her Husband & baby daughter here in the US. It’s significant bc families shld…
be allowed to stay together in an environment where they can live w/o fear.
– - Wow. That’s powerful stuff. Hope it turned out well. Why do your clients hire you?
They trust me & kno I am here 2 protect their best interest. I help them thru the immigration process …
which is a very personal experience & can take a major toll on their emotions/lives.
– - What’s the most active area of your immigration practice at the current time? Is that typical?
Currently, it’s family-based petitions, which I heart bc I’m helping families stay 2gether. Yes, it’s typical 4 my practice.
– - You started your career at Goldman Sachs. What led you to leave that culture and set up an immigration law firm?
I felt unfulfilled @ GS & wanted 2 do sthg more rewarding. Luckily, I was downsized & took the opp. 2 follow my dream…
of becoming an entrepreneur & helping others thru my immigration practice. See, I told u I was idealistic! LOL.
– - What’s the status of immigration law reform? Is it still perceived to be a priority for the President / American people?
Unfortunately, it’s currently on hold. Obama’s admin has communicated 2 the public that it’s a priority…
but so far, it feels like a big “tease”. More needs 2 be done, esp. w/current economics…
Some still think it’ll happen this yr but I doubt it.
– - How do you market your practice?
Networking & Web 2.0 activities. I’m also planning on hosting a seminar soon, so stay tuned for that!
– - You recently started a Facebook fan page for your firm ( Would you recommend others do the same? Why?
Good ques. My fan pg is pretty new (about 2 wks) so it’s hard 2 say if I wld rec others 2 create 1…
So far, it has been helpful w/informing ppl I kno of my practice.
– - Sounds like recommendation to me… What are the strategic objectives driving your Web 2.0 activity? Are you meeting them?
My obj. this yr is 2 create permanent relationships & brand recognition. Oh & 2 generate revenue! LOL. So far, so good.
– - Luck w/both! What specific impact on referrals and/or client engagements have you realized from Web 2.0 activities so far?
Thanks! So far, I’ve landed an engagement & a number of serious inquiries from these activities, esp. from Avvo.
– - Congrats – you’re moving in the right direction. How much time do you spend each day developing / enhancing your brand?
Omgosh. A significant pt of my day. I am my brand, so I am developing/enhancing it by meeting w/other attys…
attending CLEs, volunteering, & marketing. activities
– - Let’s switch gears: what is the most significant issue currently facing the legal profession?
Re: immigration, our policies need chg. Fear cannot dictate policies & excuse the mistreatment of illegal immigrants in this ctry.
– - What will the legal landscape look like in 10 years?
I think lawyers will catch up & adopt (maybe embrace?) technological advancements, resulting in a few less trips to court.
– - What would you do if you weren’t a lawyer?
Hmm…philanthropist & bakery owner. I wld LOVE 2 open my own cupcake shop & animal rescue shelter. What a mix, right? 😀
– - That makes THREE 22 Tweets interviewees who’d like to be bakers… Hmmm. How do you want to be remembered?
LOL. I guess we all hv a creative side yearning to escape. 🙂 …
I’d like 2 B remembered for my sincerity and passion, especially to help those who can’t help themselves.
– - What do you do when you’re not working?
I am currently immersed in house renovations. Other than that, I spend time w/family & friends & watch lots of reality tv!
O & go see @britneyspears in concert! 😀
– - There’s gotta be a story there! What advice can you give lawyers currently under- / unemployed due to the economic crisis?
Take this opportunity to explore other careers & interests. Don’t be afraid of change. Also, make sure to network!
– - And our last question of this twitterview: What advice do you have for people going to law school today?
1. Ur GPA doesn’t define u; 2. BIGLAW is not 4 everyone & that’s ok; ur instincts – don’t B afraid 2 set ur own path
That’s valuable advice. Thank you so much for answering our questions and making this a great twitterview!
This was fun! Thank u so much for the opportunity to share my story & thanks to everyone who listened! 😀
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